dxc sf 9.20.09
I'm too lazy to go into details, just gonna tell a quick story lol.* Didn't have to pay because we are friends who host the event.
* Thanks John shoutouts to FULLYLACED!
* stood for a long time till my legs were cramping.
* Derek was yelling and
* being loud as fuck lol.
* A lot of people don't know how to smile when they walk by.
* After hours of yelling and seeing the same people i was bored.
* Met Danielle and she bought my HUF Satin Vans for $130.
* Sold Rolo's baby Concords to my friend Samantha.
* People left around 4:30pm so it was dead.
* Packed up and went to Cliff's table (old asian guy)
* I wanted to try those og '85 grey/white 1s.
* Convince Cliff if he can hook it up for a price, he said $250.
* Rolo and I were short by $50 so told him my birthday is next week.
* I told him $200 and he laughed.
* He didn't believe me at first until he asked for my license.
* He was like "oh your right alright then."
* OG '85 grey/white 1s for $200 steal, thanks to Rolo for my early bday gift.
* (even though i paid for half of it.)
* Took a nap at Ronald's house, thanks again!
this double updating on my blogger and tumblr is getting tiring lol.
i'm gonna have to pick a side soon and delete the other.