thanks to everyone who has read my blog and followed me.
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dxc sf 9.20.09
I'm too lazy to go into details, just gonna tell a quick story lol.* Didn't have to pay because we are friends who host the event.
* Thanks John shoutouts to FULLYLACED!
* stood for a long time till my legs were cramping.
* Derek was yelling and
* being loud as fuck lol.
* A lot of people don't know how to smile when they walk by.
* After hours of yelling and seeing the same people i was bored.
* Met Danielle and she bought my HUF Satin Vans for $130.
* Sold Rolo's baby Concords to my friend Samantha.
* People left around 4:30pm so it was dead.
* Packed up and went to Cliff's table (old asian guy)
* I wanted to try those og '85 grey/white 1s.
* Convince Cliff if he can hook it up for a price, he said $250.
* Rolo and I were short by $50 so told him my birthday is next week.
* I told him $200 and he laughed.
* He didn't believe me at first until he asked for my license.
* He was like "oh your right alright then."
* OG '85 grey/white 1s for $200 steal, thanks to Rolo for my early bday gift.
* (even though i paid for half of it.)
* Took a nap at Ronald's house, thanks again!
this double updating on my blogger and tumblr is getting tiring lol.
i'm gonna have to pick a side soon and delete the other.

post fitted, camp out.
- Got there early, rolo ronald and i were first in line.- played monopoly and people were like wtf?
- met awesome new people who were hilarious.
- some hypebeast fag was wearing air yeezys w/ his ugly gf who had a staring problem.
- weirdest shit happens around 2am because alot of crazy people walked by.
- people kept smoking around me that gave me a headache.
- i spent hella money on food, smh.
- got the hat dropped ronald off home and headed back home.
- took a nap and i felt like throwing up.
- i feel like shit right now and i took a nap.
- i camped 16 hours for a hat, damn. lol.
- overall i had fun i met new friends.
i like the colorway and alot of people were complaining about the ostrich print.
i don't see anything wrong w/ it, it looks nice in person.

short hair don't care.
* i couldn't barely sleep today, i woke up so many times.* i guess i was too excited to get my haircut.
* i kept looking at my phone to see what time it was.
* got ready around 11:30ish, waiting on my friend desiree's text.
* she picked me up around 12:30pm, headed to fremont.
* there wasn't barely much traffic.
* met Samantha and her son Aaden, they're so cute.
* she dyed Desiree's hair first, then chopped off my hair.
* I didn't realize how long my hair was when i looked on the ground.
* i was kind of nervous because i didn't know how it would turn out.
* haircut came out exactly what i wanted, i love it.
* headed back home there was traffic.
* i love Desiree's hair and her haircolor!
* Thanks again Samantha, i'm coming back to you for haircuts now!<3
* Thanks again Desiree for driving.<3


my hair chopped off.


cause they will kill you.
this is what happens when you get in the car w/ kj mitch & nick. rolo was trying to take a nap but they wouldn’t let him because we wanted to go to a gay club. rolo was being a kill joy so they said “if we don’t get to sleep you don’t neither.” LOL.
well i don't really post on here anymore, i use this blog for pictures when i go out and stuff. also if i bring my camera, i mostly do posts on my tumblr now. so check it out if you want.Posted
4th of july.
- Pulled an all nighter.- Went to San Francisco got there around 6am.
- Morgan Hill Rolo's cousin Karen was apart of the parade.
- Saw hella white people, i felt out of place lol.
- Parade was pretty cool saw alot of big ass cameras and cute dogs.
- Took a nap in the car.
- Back to Karen's house chilled ate played video games.
- Waited till night time and blew up stuff.
- It was a good day, had alot of fun.

Post Fitted 06.19.09
I haven't been blogging for a while, i had pictures on my camera i needed to upload. So, here goes!- San Lorenzo picked up Jeremy Rob & Aaron.
- Went to San Francisco.
- Got there around 11ish?
- Met up with Ronald Lorina & Gabe.
- Zalo came, sat there waiting in the cold.
- Killed time watched them played card games.
- Rolo rode Aaron's fixie, he almost got jumped and crashed.
- Morning I was tired as fuck.
- Got Jack In the Box had a bad stomach ache.
- Ran into familiar faces and met Rolo's mini-me son lol.
- Picked up a hat for Rolo's friend.
- In return, i made $30 bucks.
- Went to Jeremy's house ordered pizza and ko'ed in a room full of guys.
end of the day i lost so much sleep, i got sick the next day.

past few days, rolo and i were basically going all over places haha. last saturday was our 43 months. we went to hercules cultural festival. It was boring and hot the only fun thing was seeing cute dogs. After went to mikey's bbq in san jose but got there kinda late. We've playing monopoly non-stop i won i think about 3 games. sunday went to san francisco because rolo wanted to go to fatlace. The owner was going to auction his shoe collection (rare shoes), it got postponed though. So back to san francisco tomorrow i swear we keep going there every week.Pictures taken by rolo from the festival.

42 months today w/ babe didn't do nothing much just chilled and got food with Jed. i also vent on tumblr, tumblr check it out and follow me. Anyways I think I'm getting sick thanks to rolo, hes been coughing a lot at night. My back is in pain right now I guess the way i sleep! Ugh, I'm also probably getting my haircut tomorrow. hooray i have split ends and i'm tired of my damn hair. Last time i got a haircut was 2 years ago, along with getting some new eyeglasses. The only thing i'm effy about is my prescription. Its been two years since my last eye exam. Anyone know a place in the bay area that does eye exams for cheap?Oh joy this stuff has been on my mind for the past days..
dark side.
It seems everyone is switching to tumblr i don't know if i want to use blogger still. Tumblr seems more easier to use, i like how the layout is easy to customize. As to blogger you have to edit html (which pissed me off) lol. yes i have a tumblr now, i think i'll use it for venting. follow me, i guess? tumblrPosted
Didn't end up going to Baskin Robbins for 31 cents scoop night, because Rolo and Jed didn't want to wait. The line was long when we arrived i think it would of took an hour just to get inside. Instead we went to the Japanese stores next door, we explored and were amazed. Like tourist people who didn't know much lol, they had so much good stuff. I bought some candy and other goodies, I was looking for this one candy that fizzs in your mouth. Turns out I bought the wrong candy. eh, oh well. I love melon soda I noticed my deodorant lotion and drink are the same. (cucumber melon)Went to Target after I needed to buy deodorant and new eyeliner. My current eyeliner sucks! it keeps smudging less than 2 hrs, boo i prefer covergirl's eyeliner. I'm planning to cut my hair next week hopefully and buy my new eyeglasses.

Thanks Thessa for the pictures! Another random entry because i'm bored and gonna share with everyone lol. I'm thinking of cutting my hair because my ends look dead and dry. I've seen some split ends (oh no) The last time i got a haircut was last year around January? For some reason I want short hair again, its better to maintain. I can't stand long hair I don't usually do much with my hair. I might dye my hair and get peek a boo highlights just don't know what color to choose yet. My bf's older brother usually dyes my hair, but boo i guess i'll give a try. I'm scared to dye my own hair I might mess it up. First thing for everything right?Probably my next haircut? haha.

Tomorrow is Baskin Robbins 31 cents Scoop Night From 5pm-10pm. Rolo and i are going we went last year and bought alot of ice cream! I've been craving for sweets and Jamba Juice.

bare with me.
eh, i'm getting too lazy to blog i guess i can say my life is boring? lol. I also want to change my layout (of course same layout style) for now no banner, i forgot rolo doesn't have kit lens anymore except wide angle lens. BOO. i'm mostly on twitter now, follow me!till then i will update when something is interesting haha.
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found this on the website off the person got our names mixed up. we took this picture when we went to the cherry blossom festival in japantown. ugh i hate my hair especially my bangs, i think its time for a haircut.

buy my stuff.
i need money for new eyeglasses!ISS!
here we go.
First off Treasure Island Jed never went there before took pictures and enjoyed the view. Went to Daly City Rolo had a meet up with his friend. Watched guys play video games and computer lounging. After headed to Westlake to eat dinner with Rolo's cousin Karen and her boyfriend Nathan. Ate at a Japanese restaurant mmmm, chicken teriyaki and miso soup! Safeway after to buy stuff for some strawberry daiquiri. Then headed to Karen's, I soaked Rolo with a super soaker water gun, shot him on the side of his body. leet! Nathan made it the strawberry daiquiri, i didn't even taste the alcohol. It was good though especially with whip cream. Dropped off Allen and Jed went to sleep at 3 or something like that? Also left my phone charger and earrings at karen's fail!Twitter, follow me!

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