Didn't end up going to Baskin Robbins for 31 cents scoop night, because Rolo and Jed didn't want to wait. The line was long when we arrived i think it would of took an hour just to get inside. Instead we went to the Japanese stores next door, we explored and were amazed. Like tourist people who didn't know much lol, they had so much good stuff. I bought some candy and other goodies, I was looking for this one candy that fizzs in your mouth. Turns out I bought the wrong candy. eh, oh well. I love melon soda I noticed my deodorant lotion and drink are the same. (cucumber melon)Went to Target after I needed to buy deodorant and new eyeliner. My current eyeliner sucks! it keeps smudging less than 2 hrs, boo i prefer covergirl's eyeliner. I'm planning to cut my hair next week hopefully and buy my new eyeglasses.

i love hi chews! haha, which candy that fizzes? is it the candy version of ramune?
i love the mango flavored hi-chews. the flavor is so rich. :D
hi chew = CRAAAAAACK
i have the same deodorant lol! stay fresh!
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