Pros.- Hung out with my friends whom i haven't seen in a while!
- Karl sliding underneath the fences, your hella cool beans for that one.
- Thanks for saving me a spot in line Jeremy! (automatedhype)
I enjoyed watching him yell like crazy ape shit. lol.
- I got flashed by Karl's big ass canon camera, shit was blinding my eyes.
- It was nice meeting you Lorina, i like our talks hay.
- Sold my custom air max 90s for $70.
- Sold my sidekick slide, thanks Ronald! (;
- Ate pho with my boys!<3
- Bought a sidekick lx!
- Once again, it took almost 1:30pm to get inside when it starts at 1pm!
- Security guards throwing away stickers, wtf they didn't do that before.
- Alot of fucking lowballers.
- People kept looking at my shoes but afraid to ask the prices and sizes.
- Girls who weren't my size, they rather had small or huge ass feet, damn!
- Someone selling fake ass blk/red xiii's to Zalo, He was furious!
- Raymond didn't make my sign, boooo.
- People don't know how to say excuse me, RUDE!
- I was selling white cement III's for $100 and custom checkboard sk8 hi's for $50.
- My feet were dead beat at the end of the day.
my nudies look odd crazy.

those shoe circles.

Oh we cute though!

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