Cherry Blossom Festival.
Rolo Jed Justin and I headed down to San Francisco to Japantown. The weather was prefect, then again it was windy. It was crowded parking was difficult to find. Walked around said hi to our friends Laarni, Kelly, and Sunny. I wanted to get something from the hello kitty area but eh, rolo wanted some honeydew boba drink. Went to Fatlace saw the owner (Ron) working today, said hi. Justin picked up his Krink incase thingy for his laptop. Mall after to grabbed some food, udon noodles are leet!We were suppose to visit our other friend in Daly City, turns out he was in downtown. So, Went Tanforan Mall grabbed food and Rolo got me Cold Stone ice cream. Target after to the magazine section, ran into Mike met him for the first time (nice surprise). Ended the day by visitng Rolo's cousin, watched half of pineapple express and dropping off everyone.

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Udon noodles are hellllllla good! When did you go to the festival? :)
Are you serious? I went yesterday too, haha. I was there from 12-3, lol or even longer. Maybe we passed by each other? 'cause I'm half blind without my glasses, so I can probably only see 3 feet of what's in front of me-- i know, I should get contacts but that's just another thing to add to my routine, lol.
Ummm, from the Hello Kitty area, my boyfriend won me some HKxSF stationery and an HKxSF tote bag, lol. There wasn't a lot going on in the section. I really wanted the posted but it was too pricey ($15) for a poster. LOL, I wanted the surprise bag too but I didn't get that either, lol.
Yeah, I'm going to the sample sale HOPEFULLY! Lol. I went last year but it wasn't crazy, it was actually at Fatlace last year. Are you going?
Lol, I'm hella commenting on this entry but yeah, it's kind of pricey. Last year I got two shirts, hoody, and a jacket that came up to be $170. :/ The fatlace owner ended up giving me a free shirt though, so that was nice. . lol. I'm hoping to only get stuff that I really want this year that I didn't get to get, and they have some samples that have never been released, so that's nice too. I'm still gonna go, not going to go crazy though 'cause the recent past collections didn't really impress me, but I'm just hoping that I won't spend over $100. Heh.
And yeah, I wear glasses. 8D, hehe but only at school during classes when I can't see the board even though I should be always wearing them when I'm out.
last pic is super cute :]
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