04.04.09 Went to San Francisco to Golden Gate Park. Found out that the spot was taken so we had to wait in the playground area. Waited for people, overall it was people we knew. Turns out 15 showed up out of 40, fail. The other half flaked so everyone chilled eat talk and etc. We saw a bunch of people sitting on this run ride spinning around and listening to music. (it was cool) Left around 2 to Haight didn't do nothing only a bunch of walking. Took bus downtown didn't do much neither. Rob kept drawing dicks on my arm and ronald wrote on my arm. Rolo licked my arm which was nasty.Headed to Karl's house then ate pho and said bye to everyone. No more summits, i'm tired of them. They were dead for the past years I lost so much sleep i was dead tired. I didn't take much pictures i was too lazy, oh well and i have a video where i got hit by shoes! damn lol my stupid eyeglasses fell twice, i need new ones. Oh and Ronald's fried rice was hella good thanks for making it!
Oh and today is 41 months with rolo, woopdeedoo we aren't doing much.

Yay for San Francisco. Dang I haven't heard of people having summits in a long time even though I have never been to one, lol. I remember back in freshmen year, my friend's friend sad he went to a bayarea summit but that was back in '04-'05, so long ago!
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